Debt Relief Options for Canadians

Learn More About Your Options

By understanding and knowing which option is best for you, your road to debt freedom can be paved for success

Debt Settlement

Settle your debt by working with your creditors to reduce your principal balance.

Debt Settlement

Debt Consolidation Loans

Consolidate all of your existing debt into one loan with a lower interest rate.

Debt Consolidation Loans

Credit Counselling

Learn how to live on a budget while reducing your interest rates.

Credit Counselling

Consumer Proposal

Avoid bankruptcy and keep your assets by reducing the amount of debt you owe.

Consumer Proposal


Filing for bankruptcy has consequences and should always be considered a last resort.


Credit Card Debt

Get rid of the debt you owe on your credit cards.

Credit Card Debt

How much do you owe?

${{optionsSlider1.min}} ${{optionsSlider1.max}}

Are you behind on payments?

How many creditors do you have?

{{optionsSliderCreditor.min}} {{optionsSliderCreditor.max}}

What types of debt do you have?

How much student loan debt do you have?

{{optionsSliderStudent.min}} {{optionsSliderStudent.max}}

How long has it been since you last attended class?

{{optionsSliderStudentLong.min}} {{optionsSliderStudentLong.max}}

Estimate your credit rating

What is your employment status?

Are you a home owner?

What is your property value?

${{optionsSlider1.min}} ${{optionsSlider1.max}}

What is your mortgage balance?

${{optionsSlider3.min}} ${{optionsSlider3.max}}

Enter your postal code

One Step Away
From Your Free Estimate